Monday, December 03, 2012

Holiday cards - it's that time

What kinds of cards do you send at Christmas time?

Do you wish your friends "Happy holidays" or "Merry Christmas"?

Do you send lots of cards, all with the same message and just your signature? Do you add personal notes to only some?

Or do you stop and really think about each person to whom you sending a card and write your own heartfelt message?

Or do you send no cards at all?

Or do you send e-cards? Some of them are clever and very nice. But you know what happens to them, no matter how "nice" they are. They are read one time and click! Delete! Poof! They're gone.

I recommend sending a card that is worth your time, effort and money. Make it personal. In fact, make it unique. Add in a photo, preferably of the recipient. Second best will be a photo of the recipient and you. Or next, a photo of you.

I would be happy to introduce you to the card and gift line for which I'm a distributor. Send an email to me at and I'll tell you where to find my website. I'd put it here, but company rules say not to do so. I know, I know; it's a stupid rule that doesn't make any sense at all.

But I'm building a card business that will last for years, so I'll play their silly game on this point. I think it has something to do with their worries about irritating the Feds. That's a game you can't win, even if you are right.

Friday, October 05, 2012

Picture postcards - the best

When you travel, do you like to send picture postcards?

Ever try to even find a picture postcard these days? And, when you do, do you notice immediately how the price increased while you weren't looking?

And then you need postage. How much is it these days to mail a postcard? Hint, it's 32¢. But where do you get a 32¢ stamp? Can you find a post office? Oh, heck; just slap on a 45¢ stamp; i.e, if you even have one of those with you.

How would you like to send a picture postcard of your family and you in front of Mt. Rushmore (if you are visiting Mt. Rushmore) and send it that day?

I make my own picture postcards for 62¢ the same day and have them in the mail the next - all without running to the post office aor trying to get there before it closes.

Like to know more?


Got questions? In the upper right-hand corner of that website, click on Contact and ask me.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


How do you express gratitude?

A phone call?
An email?
A personal visit?
A thought?

A real greeting card?

I'd like to suggest that sending a real greeting card, complete with postage paid to the USPS, is a great way to express gratitude. Why?

Because the person who receives your card will remember it and remember you far longer than any of the other ways.

Let me explain the Gratitude Challenge to you. It's a 30-day program, in which you send a card a day to someone you're thinking about.

Someone who needs a pat on the back or a hug.
Someone who has done well and deserves praise.
Someone who is ill and needs a comforting word.
Someone you love.

Contact me at or call me at 815.338.2666